The Commonwealth Finance Authority Statewide Local Share Account Grant Awarded in the Amount of $311,000 for Pedestrian Safety and River Trail Connectivity.
The Greater Honesdale Partnership (GHP) and the members of the Honesdale Borough Council are thrilled to announce the Commonwealth Finance Authority has awarded the statewide local share account grant for in the amount of $311,000. This funding will be used for improving pedestrian safety and river trail connectivity on 12th Street, between Church and Main Streets.
“This is great news for Honesdale. We are happy to announce that our hard work paid off,” said executive director Sandi Levens of the Greater Honesdale Partnership. “The Greater Honesdale Partnership and the members of the Honesdale Borough Council worked together to create this grant request for the benefit of the community.”
The project will involve installing a sidewalk and bike lane on 12th Street between Church and Main Streets, connecting the Lackawaxen River Trail to Main Street. Currently, there are no sidewalks or bike lanes on the riverbank side. Parallel parking next to the river’s edge makes it dangerous to exit a vehicle. 12th Street is a traffic-thruway that is dangerous for walkers.
The addition of the sidewalk/trail, bike lane, crosswalks, streetscape/changing traffic to a one-way/traffic calming, and repositioned parking along 12th Street will provide pedestrian safety, calm traffic, and connect the river trail to Main Street’s Commercial downtown. In addition, there will be site furnishings such as wayfinding signage, three lamp posts, four benches, two trash receptacles, changing traffic pattern to a one-way, adding ADA accessibility, four crosswalks, relining the street and parking area, split rail fence, block wall, and landscaping such as native bushes and bed coverings.
The GHP and the Honesdale Borough extends their heartfelt thanks to PA State Representatives Jonathan Fritz and Joe Adams, and PA Senators Lisa Baker and Rosemary Brown for their support of Honesdale and recognizing the importance of investing funds into our downtown.